Thursday, 22 September 2016

Computer awareness mcq

Quiz Time!

Time for another quiz....Compurt section can play a crucial role in scoring bank exams. So you should give equal time to get a decent score in it. Test yourself in very basic of the computer questions........

Computer Fundamental quiz For IBPS PO/CLERK , GRAMIN BNAK PO/CLERK.

1. UNIVAC is........
Unique Automatic Computer
Universal Automatic Computer
Universal Array Computer
Unvalued Automatic Computer
None of these
2. Dvice which is required for the Internet connection?
Light Pen
None of these
3. CAD stands for
Computer analogue design
Computer algorithm for design
Computer application in design
Computer aided design
None of these
4. What does DOS stand for?
Digital Operating System
Disk Operating System
Digital Open system
Disk operating session
None of these
5. Fullform of RAM?
Ready access memory
Random access memory
Redendent access memory
Random accesseble memory
None of these
6. RAM is .........
Secondary memory
Primary memory
Permanent Memory
Long Memory
None of these
7. COBOL is...............
Both 2 & 3
Computer Business Oriented Language
Common Business Operated Language
Common Business Organized Language
Common Business Oriented Language
8. Pick The Odd one.....
operating system
None of these
9. BIOS stands for............
Basic Inert Offset System
Basic Input Off system
Basic Input Output system
Binary Input output system
None of These
10. FORTRAN is acronym of..........
Format Translation
Formula Translation
Floppy Translation
File Translation
None of these
Score =
Correct answers:

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